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Showing posts from December, 2009

It's NOT like riding a bike...

It is very interesting... My friend and I were talking yesterday about my recent illness, and my training regimen for the Cap City Half Marathon. I was telling her that I didn't run while I was sick because I had a cough and learned that you should never run while you have a cough. Now, if that were the case I would not have run today because I STILL have a cough. The interesting thing that transpired during this conversation is that when my friend asked me how I felt about not running while I was sick, I told her I was very anxious. It made me nervous to not run for a little over a week. Her response to me was something along the lines of; You know what that means, you are turning into a runner. Another interesting conversation we had that I am still thinking about is the fact that you can lose running so quickly. It isn't like riding a bicycle where you can just pick it up. You never forget how to ride a bike. The same is true for running, however with running you can't j...

To Run or Not to Run...

That is the question! I had three good runs Thanksgiving week. I did a Turkey Trot, and then went out with my sister and ran on Sunday. Both were good but unfortunately the Downers race was not chip timed. I was surprised because it was my understanding historically they timed that race. So I ask the dramatic question because I have spent much of this week under the weather. I’ve had a bit of a cough and wonder if running will make me better or worse. I’d hate to go out for a run just to make myself sick again as I’ve spent this entire week on antibiotics and sleeping. On the other hand I've been diligently training for my half marathon and am concerned I am halting some very good progress if I don't run at all this week. Part of the reason I am bummed about the Turkey Trot (although I had great company) I was hoping to get an actual time so I could identify what progress I have made so far on my training. So back to the question to run or not to run??? Tomorrow the race will ...