Dictionary.com defines contagious as: 1) Capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object; 2) Tending to spread from person to person. Typically when we hear the word contagious we think of our colleagues who come to work sick and are spreading the germs to everyone. Or we think of those nasty germs at the gym that could cause you to get some infection on your leg that needs to be cleared up with antibiotics. Or even LICE, Yuck!!! To sum it up, we typically think contagious = BAD! A new trend in the news is good news though and I didn't realize how true it was until recently. I did my first triathlon in 2003 because my sister talked me and my other sister to participate. I probably would have quit doing triathlons but my sister was insistent that I sign up the next year, and I did. My sister has a knack for "recruiting" people to participate in races with her. Does that make my sister contagious? Well here is something to consider. I sta...
Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action -Joshua Holtz