Or so I thought. Columbus has seen the most snow in February since 1900 this year. Well I'm not sure that is was 1900 but it has been a LONG time since Columbus has had so much snow. You should know that I love the cold, I love the crisp mornings, and I love the snow even more. There is nothing better than waking up in the morning to this white blanket of fluffy white stuff everywhere. The best thing about the snow, hands down, is watching my dog frolicking and rolling around in the snow. On the other hand... I've been doing pretty well combating the cold and the snow when heading out for my runs but yesterday was HORRIBLE!!! I went out for a short jog yesterday to loosen up from Saturday's long run. I headed out on one of my favorite bike trails and felt like I was running through sludge. The trail was snow packed until the thaw yesterday, and I literally thought my feet were getting stuck in the snow every step I took. What was supposed to be a short 3 mile jog, turned in...
Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action -Joshua Holtz