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Showing posts from February, 2011

Who Are You Spending Time With???

I was horribly frustrated this past week, not because I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing for myself, but because I was scared that at some point I would quit doing what is good for me. I ended up talking to my sister and she told me that we as individuals are an average of the five people we spend the most time with. She basically told me this theory to remind me to take a look around every once in a while to determine whether the five closest people to me are people I would want to be like. After this conversation I quickly took inventory of the people I spend the most time with and of course googled this theory and here is what I found... First I realized how lucky I am.  Yes there is always room for improvement however the five people I spend the most time with are pretty extraordinary. I try to keep positive, motivated, caring, friendly company that will make me better and when I realize I have a negative influence I try to rid my life of tha...

We're Talking about Feet People...

You can have so many problems from running and so far I have been fairly lucky. I haven't had hamstring, knee, hip or shin problems; but rather enough foot problems to drive a woman crazy. I should mention that not all of these problems are even notable. In fact one of these problems is just a major nuisance in the grand scheme of things. Before you read on please understand I am doing a lot of self diagnosis in life and in the remainder of this blog so BEWARE!!! Just because you might feel some of these problems in your feet you should probably not take my advice because wikipedia, the mayo clinic online and google have all been my doctor friends during this journey. A newer problem occurs on the top of my right foot. I get a strange foot pain when I step where I believe the deltoid ligaments all attach in my foot. I've been shrugging it off because it only happens when I step in a funny way, wear heals or twist my foot. My cure for this problem is to wear very good supportive...

Peer Pressure is Not ALWAYS Bad!

Yesterday while at a party I got the bug to get another person to join in on the running fun. My friend's friend seemed like the perfect target. I started out with a little nudging explaining that we run slow, would love an add on to our tiny little running group, and that it feels amazing when you finish a good run. The friend responded by covering her ears and saying "I heard about you and I'm not listening." I saw a crack and wedged myself right in... My friend and I started talking about how we first began together. I was training for the half marathon last year and my friend wanted to start running. I would run my first mile with my friend and then continue on to complete my 5-10 mile training run. We talked about how we move slowly, love company and enjoy the positive results from running. At this point my friends friend repeated that she heard about me and wasn't buying it so my friend joined in with the reverse psychology tactic. Within minutes we had an a...

Facing Reality

I'm ready to face reality. I am adding two posts this week; one in which I am all uplifty and this one. I wrote the previous post in an attempt to hide the reality but I am human and I am finally facing reality. I have fallen OFF the wagon and in a terrible way. This is my "Oh Shit" moment. First for a very funny story that has to do with my healthy afternoon snack. My friend sent me an email to let me know it was her afternoon popcorn snack time. I sent her an email back and said "that is really funny I just popped mine." She sent me an email to tell me I was GROSS and then realized the email did NOT say "I just pooped mine." She seriously thought I sent her that email... I'm still laughing about that exchange. (Pic posted for my big bro) Anyway, I have been in an exercise funk. I've gotten out for runs but not as consistently I should be. How can I expect anyone to come along for the ride with me if I have gotten off the roller coaster of he...

What are you going to do today???

We all make promises to ourselves that sometimes start with "Tomorrow I am going to... (insert goal/desire here)." In my past I have stated the following: Next week I am going to start running. Tomorrow I am going to get back on track with weight watchers. Next month I am going to start keeping my house clean. Tonight I am going to wash my dishes. Tonight, tomorrow, next week or next month comes and I have already forgotten my goal or I make an excuse as to why I can put it off another day. The only way I personally can ensure tonight comes without forgetting the stated goal is to begin now. I think the more reasonable our goals the easier it is to begin working toward those goals.