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Showing posts from April, 2011

Whoa I'm a Slacker

I can't believe I actually missed my target post date for the week. If you haven't noticed I typically try to post once a week between Saturday and Monday. I'm two days late. Sorry folks, or I should really apologize to myself for not keeping this commitment. OK so moving on I am going to ENTERTAIN you all with my masterful poetry skills... Oh, what have I done Oh, what have I done A few months ago I was looking for fun Amidst all the snow I got excited for accomplishment and signed up for races But now in the basement I walk back and forth ten paces I was motivated by the marathon Found events to prepare I then signed up for a bike-athon (really a ride in Colorado) And drank lots of beer (not r eally but it sounded good) So next week I will run thirteen point one Miles through Columbus streets With hopefully lots of sun The goal is to be healthy So running is what I do It may be easier to be wealthy Or go to the loo So hell or high water...

What is Missing?

Run, run, eat/drink, work, run some more, repeat... Something must be missing and I think I figured out what it is! Don't get me wrong I LOVE running however I am watching my Facebook feed and some of my favorite websites and am noticing all of the other events I have always loved but am not signed up for. Triathlons and long rides. The reason I began nurturing my running was to allow me the ability to participate in longer distance triathlons. I really wanted to run a 10k or even half marathon fairly easily and gain running confidence. Well confidence is what I got. I have been running consistently for over a year and during that time ran half a dozen to a dozen 5ks, two five milers, a couple 10 ks, a 10 miler and am approaching my second half marathon. I guess I got the bug because I then decided I needed to accomplish the ultimate runners goal which is the marathon. I have that on my schedule (and paid) for the Columbus Marathon this year and can not be more excited!...

Mixed Emotions and Awesome Spectators

Proud and Disappointed. Is it possible? I ran one of the hardest races today. Very hilly; up and barely ever down for ten miles. I am very proud of my accomplishment I ran the entire race but allowed myself to walk the water stations (a strategy I have learned by reading Runner's World). On the other hand I am slightly disappointed because my pace was slower than my half marathon last year. What gives? I was running on an injury that may be slightly worse right now, the hills were extreme AND annoyingly I had to stop at two stop lights. I think I am going to quit beating myself up and accept the fact that I accomplished a run that many people wouldn't even dream of running. I am however going to harbor some annoyance over the fact that the police quit blocking traffic for this everyone welcome event. OK so moving on... Awesome Spectators!!! I think I mentioned in a previous blog that spectators can make a race. I was very fortunate today to have a good friend of mine sh...

The Perfect Play List

I don't run with an iPod; I instead run with the the soundtrack of the world. I often consider picking up my iPod to join me for solo runs but have not succumbed to the peer pressure. Running without music can be invigorating. What other times do you get to sit back and reflect on life, listen to our body and enjoy the sound of the water running in the river? There are various camps as it relates to running with music blaring in your ears. One argument is that running with music can be dangerous because you are less aware of your surroundings. I like to run on a pretty busy bike path in town and can't imagine what it might be like to not hear the reckless cyclists coming up from behind me. I should mention that I am one of those cyclists so am not judging... Also some feel that women especially shouldn't run with music because we are more susceptible to predators. On the other hand people who run with music can sometimes run faster and longer because of the tempo of t...