I have control issues from time to time. I discovered this on the trail as my pace group mates were not following the rules of the trail. I should mention, I like to follow the rules for the most part. I do make some distinctions between rules and the spirit of the rules but when it comes to the trail, rules are rules. They are there for a reason; our safety! Running groups can be extremely rewarding but sometimes equally frustrating. Read this blog post about the different types of runners to understand what I mean by a running group (or what this blogger calls club runners. Just a quick disclaimer, I do love the Angry Jogger but proceed with caution if you are sensitive to language... I've been reading the Angry Jogger's blog for awhile and often find myself laughing out loud while, in some cases, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the topic). Back to trying to make a point... When running in groups you have to make some concessions and accept where you fit in and ...
Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action -Joshua Holtz