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Showing posts from December, 2013

Live a Little!!!

I totally forgot to blog last week! I also forgot to exercise, or something like that. I spent a week in Chicago playing with the kiddos, baking, finishing gifts, going to party after party; in general having a fantastic time with my family. I woke up several mornings with my pup convinced I was going to run and the minute I would step on the back porch, to the tune of -10 degree windchill and a very slippery ground, I would rush inside and wrap up under a blanket! Well, because I'm running the Niagara Falls Women's half marathon in June with my best buddy and company, I need to buck up and go out when it is cold! I love running in the cold, so what possibly is the problem? Well, here is the problem. I took the last six months off from intense training. You see, this year has been challenging yet FANTASTIC, both physically and mentally. I also gained six pounds since Thanksgiving. YIKES!!! So now is the time to get back into it! I will set my goals and probably blog...

Where did all the Water Go?

I was sick recently. Sick enough to think I needed to go to the hospital. Was the trip to the ER necessary? Well, that is debatable depending on who you talk to, but I stand by that trip (my pocketbook might not, but I still haven't gotten that bill). I walked into the hospital crying and miserable. After a 5 hour stay and a bag of fluids, I left laughing; well not heartily, but still chuckling about things.  Recently I have been running no more than 3 miles at a time, and then yesterday that changed. I went out for an unintended 4 miler. The schedule said 2 miles, my friend and I decided to go for 3 and then somewhere during the run we decided to do 4. I am so grateful we did the 4 but I realized during that run that water is necessary. I was parched while trying to make it up the effing hill! This morning I was cleaning up from a small dinner party I hosted yesterday that involved prime rib, cookie decorating and snow globes. While in the middle of loading my dishwasher w...

Why Not?

If you ask my friends what I have been talking about this week, they will tell you I have been obsessing about this message I saw on the Angry Jogger's blog. He posted a video, featuring Kevin Smith about life. I am not going to embed the video on my blog because the language in the video is potentially offensive, but if you want to watch it, you can find it here . I got a sewing machine last week, and since I have gotten that machine I have received a million questions as to why I got a sewing machine. I really don't have an answer except it was there with this glow around it, screaming, I know you want me!!! Well, I got it and I made a night gown. There are several more projects to come! Last winter, around this time I decided to do the half ironman. I blogged about people's reaction to my announcement of doing that race, and I was frequently met with the big question, WHY? I never really had a good answer except for, why not? Well after watching this video this w...

Random Thoughts

I don't have much to say today, so here are some random thoughts: I'm Full I haven't worked out in a week and I'm feeling it, after all this week included some pretty awesome meals and delicious treats. Think big chocolate cake, pumpkin pie, cheesecake, brussel sprouts, turkey, stuffing, corn casserole, etc. I'm feeling sluggish and tired today and I'm hoping this isn't an indication of how the entire holiday season will feel.  I'm very thankful I have a little 10k on my schedule in the next week. I haven't run 6 miles in a single run for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I think the last time I hit six miles was when Sue and I had a fluke of a run and ended up with 9 miles because we both felt good. Those are the runs the fill me up! The Goals I refuse to let my athleticism rule my life again. It is just a hobby that I enjoy and want to continue to enjoy. However, I have decided that my schedule needs a triathlon in 2014....