I've had quite the couple of weeks, don't want to say they have been bad, because they haven't, they have just been... I found myself exceptionally cranky yesterday. Things that typically don't bother me, lines at the grocery store or my neighbor parking outside of the parking lines or the mess in my house, annoyed the crap out of me. I walked around with my grumpy face, while not being very nice to anyone. Short answers are all that came out of me when anyone texted or called. It is funny, because my mom often hangs up with me when I am short, it is like she knows the fuse on my internal grenade is slowly shortening. Smart woman I say... I could say that certain events over the past couple of weeks created my mood yesterday, but that wouldn't be fair. After all, we all have control over our reactions to things, even if we lose that control from time to time; so to blame my frustrations on other people, would be to say I lost control. Anyway, the secret has b...