This week has been pretty awesome. I have had solid workouts, and the sun has appeared on more than one occasion. Vitamin D anyone? I'd advise going out and getting some, while it lasts. Sue and I went out for a 4 mile race on Saturday morning. It was at a metropark that basically sucks the life out of me, every time I run there. People love it for the hills while I dislike it for the hills. I approached yesterday's race kind of like I do every run at Sharron woods, with dread... So, here is the thing about life in general. I preach that every morning, we wake up and make a choice. Our choice is to decide whether we are going to have a good or bad day. I would say 9 times out of 10, I make the choice that my day will be great. Well, OK, let's be honest here, once I come out of my morning fog, I make that decision. BUT, life may have very different plans for me. Again, I have to make another choice. Do I let the flat tire, bum breaks, long grocery store line, fall down ...
Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action -Joshua Holtz