Yoga, Yoga, you are no fun; But my doctor says you are the one? I don't want to believe him; but alas I will try... But understand at some point, I will breakdown and cry... I tried a nice video, cause those people were pretty... But I thought better lessons would have come from my kitty... My cat thought it funny that I stretched like a dog... So she taught me new poses that made me look like a hog... During my yoga, sweat suddenly appeared... I thought this was just stretching!!! now I'm 'a feared...' Cow pose, dog pose, frog pose, OH MY!!!!!! Fish pose, monkey pose, locust pose, SIGH!!!! Why, oh why, can't we call it what it is... Flatulence inducing, hard exercise schiz!!! Many props to the yogis, who are limber and strong... If your expecting me to join you, please don't wait very long... Namaste Funny, this pose was NOT on my yoga pose.
Wellness is a connection of paths: Knowledge and Action -Joshua Holtz