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If at first you don't succeed...


It is unusual for me to sit around and focus on my failures but this week for some reason failure has blinded me. I have taken 5 steps back. You heard me FIVE whole steps. I went to my standing Tuesday night meeting and learned that I had lost three lbs and you would think that would be all the motivation needed to stay on track, run my six days a week and go to the new toning class at the Y, but that was not the case.

Now I have a choice, let that destroy my spirit or move on.

One of my favorite authors, Paulo Coelho, has a blog with 10 second reads. I often take the 10 seconds for reading and a few hours contemplating what I read. This week he posted a piece about choosing the path. He sums up his blog by stating "The true path is chosen by our ability to love it, not suffer for it." What I figured out is that although I was blindsided by my lack of motivation for a week, my true love is in the path that makes me suffer a little. I know that a little suffering in the short term will make me stronger and healthier in the long term. I am officially moving on...


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