Before you begin reading, go and press the play button on the video below. It is great background music for today's post.
I always get nervous when I begin to miss workouts. This weekend instead of running on Saturday, like I should have done, I was at the Dave Matthews Band Caravan Tour in Chicago. There is nothing better than sitting back or standing and dancing to the sounds of awesome music. You name it, I heard it this weekend. I got to listen to moe, Ben Folds, Umphrey's McGee, Michael Franti (a personal favorite) and OAR. I spent more time on my feet this weekend than I would have running six miles. If the coach of my running group is correct what matters is time on your feet. Well let me tell you folks, I got that time.
Today I started getting that rise is blood pressure I encounter when I realize I didn't do everything I was supposed to do. All I could think of was needing a friend to make me feel a little better. I have two of the most supportive running friends within the world friends. I also have a great friend who used to be my concert buddy. I always know I can count on any of them to lift me up or bring me back to the reality I need to get moving again. The two running friends get to read through my 'inspirational' email of the week. And the concert buddy has to listen to me talk endlessly about the most recent show I have been to or even the most recent race that failed me or changed me. In reality the inspiration emails only include a countdown to our three big races this fall with some random quote that I bumped into that moved me in the last week. I was at a loss for words when sending my weekly email this week but of course my good friend Michael Franti came to the rescue.
Because I am in Chicago I am a little off workout kilter. I will get back on the wagon tomorrow but for now I just have to remember that, like I said earlier, feet time is most important and, if needed, I have supportive friends. If you are working on a life journey, whether it be fitness related, health related, love related, etc. remember you always have a friend; it will get you through anything!!! Also, spend a little time on your feet dancing it out.
I am sharing this song so you can all understand how the blog and all of my friends/family support my journey to the finish line of the marathon. Enjoy!!! Oh and if you can't sit still (I never can when Michael Franti is playing) stand up and shake your bones!
I always get nervous when I begin to miss workouts. This weekend instead of running on Saturday, like I should have done, I was at the Dave Matthews Band Caravan Tour in Chicago. There is nothing better than sitting back or standing and dancing to the sounds of awesome music. You name it, I heard it this weekend. I got to listen to moe, Ben Folds, Umphrey's McGee, Michael Franti (a personal favorite) and OAR. I spent more time on my feet this weekend than I would have running six miles. If the coach of my running group is correct what matters is time on your feet. Well let me tell you folks, I got that time.
Today I started getting that rise is blood pressure I encounter when I realize I didn't do everything I was supposed to do. All I could think of was needing a friend to make me feel a little better. I have two of the most supportive running friends within the world friends. I also have a great friend who used to be my concert buddy. I always know I can count on any of them to lift me up or bring me back to the reality I need to get moving again. The two running friends get to read through my 'inspirational' email of the week. And the concert buddy has to listen to me talk endlessly about the most recent show I have been to or even the most recent race that failed me or changed me. In reality the inspiration emails only include a countdown to our three big races this fall with some random quote that I bumped into that moved me in the last week. I was at a loss for words when sending my weekly email this week but of course my good friend Michael Franti came to the rescue.
Because I am in Chicago I am a little off workout kilter. I will get back on the wagon tomorrow but for now I just have to remember that, like I said earlier, feet time is most important and, if needed, I have supportive friends. If you are working on a life journey, whether it be fitness related, health related, love related, etc. remember you always have a friend; it will get you through anything!!! Also, spend a little time on your feet dancing it out.
I am sharing this song so you can all understand how the blog and all of my friends/family support my journey to the finish line of the marathon. Enjoy!!! Oh and if you can't sit still (I never can when Michael Franti is playing) stand up and shake your bones!
I love the song choice! I was singing and chair dancing and laughed when I got to the end of your post and read that you never sit still when Michael Franti is playing. I feel the same way about him, guess that's what makes us such great friends! Love ya Sar and have a great workout tomorrow.