Remember the great DNF from last year? If not, you can read about it here. Well, today was the day to redeem ourselves. The race started at 7:30, about a half an hour away from my house. I overslept until 6:15, hopped in the shower and got to the race location right about 7:00 am. I got Sue's bike out, racked it, and then ran into Sue. I picked up our chip and ran to my car for the goggles I had forgotten. then to the swim start. I headed out and actually felt really good. It took me about 45 minutes to swim a mile, which is fairly slow for me, but I felt good. I ran out of the water, handed off the chip to Sue, talked up a storm and sent Sue off on her ride.
Jen and I then waited for Sue to come in from the ride. When she came flying in on her bike, we then sent Jen off on the run. About a half an hour later, I knew something was amiss when I looked at my cell phone and realized Jen had called me twice. I thought, her phone must have butt dialed me, but I called her back anyway. Apparently she missed the turn around. Sue and I sat there and commented on the fact that we both finish our athletic pursuits with very different talking energy, meaning she was quiet. Anyway, Jen came running in about 20 minutes later, missed the next turn around and crossed the finish line. Probably a couple miles short of a 10k, but who cares, right? We started each leg, and last year we didn't even start the run. Our runner even crossed the finish line, albeit a couple miles early, but whatever... We all had fun and that is what matters.
On another note, Sue and I rode 91.5 miles yesterday. That was a distance PR for us. I'll write about that later in the week!
congrats on redemption!!! Proud of you!!